Saturday, December 31, 2011

New-Year Celebration

The missionaries within and hour of Gabarone got together to celebrate the New Year. To make sure that everyone was home before the local partying started we celebrated the New Year at the same time as Aukland, New Zealand, that is one o'clock in the afternoon Botswana time.It was a potluck dinner with every companionship bringing something to contribute.

 We were really impressed with what a good job the elders and sisters did. They made some very delicious main courses and desserts. We made ham and chicken baguette sandwiches and cinnamon rolls. After dinner we watched the movie "Seventeen Miracles" about the Willie and Martin Handcart Companies. Many people have gone back to the villages for the holiday season and Gaborone has been very quiet especially the day after Christmas and today. Going to the villages for the holidays is the equivalent to going home to grandma's house for the holidays in the United States. We are anxious to have everyone back in the city so that we can start doing seminary and institute teacher training and have the teachers trained before school starts.


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