Saturday, January 21, 2012

Service Saturday

We went to Caravella's Restaurant in Gaborone with the Taylors and Kimballs, the other missionary couples serving in Gaborone. We ate outside in a garden area in the evening. The weather was perfect and the food was delicious. We decided that we were going to get together twice a month to do some activity. We are in charge of the next one in early February.

Today we helped clean up a childrens' park across the street from the Gaborone West chapel with the Young Single Adult Ward. We cleaned up a lot of broken glass and trash, put up a chain-link fence around the park, repaired a swing, and removed weeds. Though we did a lot of work there is much more to do. We were amazed that the neighborhood children played in the park in their bare feet despite the glass. They had a great time playing in the park while we worked and really wanted to have their picture taken by Sister Rands.

We left early from the service project to give training to Seminary and Institute of Religion teachers. Sixteen teachers, bishops, and branch presidents attended. They seemed grateful for the training and want to have training sessions once a month during the school year. Sister Rands made scones and muffins to go along with the fruit and juice we purchased for refreshments and then we gave them candy bars after the training. It all disappeared. The stake leaders and we are encouraging everyone to move towards Seminary five days a week instead of one day a week. We are sure they will have to overcome challenges to make the change.

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