Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Missionary Bake-Off

The missionaries in the Gaborone West District invited the senior couples to judge their dessert bake-off contest. Sister Blum made macaroons; Sister Hadlock made apple crisp with vanilla ice cream; Elder Epstein made wedding cookies; Elder Richardson made peanut butter bars. All the creations were very delicious and the senior couples really enjoyed them.

We made award certificates and Elder Epstein won Most Flavorful, Sister Blum won Best Presentation, Elder Richardson won Tastiest, and Sister Hadlock won Most Enticing. Sister Kimball awarded them prizes of a knife for the sisters and cookie sheets for the elders to help them with their cooking.

The bakers were very enthusiastic and had a lot of fun. The judges enjoyed the yummy treats and had a great time analyzing all the creations.

This week Elder and Sister Moss gave us wild cucumbers from their yard. They came from volunteer plants, and Mosses had to ask the locals what they were. We used them to make tomato and cucumber sandwiches for lunch today. They tasted very much like the cucumbers we are used to eating but they have quite a few more small seeds. As you can see from the picture they are wicked to peel; the spines are very sharp.

Tonight we attended an Institute of Religion class like we usually do on Tuesday nights. It was nearing the end when the power went off so everyone turned on the lights on their smart phones and cell phones so we could finish the class. Sister Rands give them cookies as they left like she usually does. The power was also off last night for a couple of hours in the evening so we worked and got ready for bed by candle light, and it went off during the night the two nights before that. We have not experienced that many power outages so close together since we have been in Botswana.

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