Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weed Wackers

Yesterday morning before it got too hot we opened our gate and worked on cleaning up the kombi (van) stop behind our house. It has been a smelly, junk heap since we moved in. The city keeps removing the garbage bags people leave there but they don't clean up the trash that is not in the can or bags. We threw dirt into the weeds and put litter in the garbage can. It looks better but there is still much to do. We will work on it more once the city takes away what is already in the can.

We often see work crews along-side the road and in fields cutting weeds, grass, and bushes with machetes. We try to take their photos but are usually not successful because we are driving by in the car. Today they were cutting behind our back wall so we were in a good position to take their photos. Janet went out to hang clothes on the line. One fellow asked her if he could have mangos because they could see them hanging from the trees. Janet handed him three over the wall. We then unlocked the gate and gave them five more so that eveyone could have one mango. They quickly rinsed their hands and stopped for a mango break. They obviously relished the fruit. We also gave them some chocolate candy which they quickly ate and threw the wrappers on the ground. We'll pick up litter tomorrow.

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