Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friday Night Young Single Adult Activity

Who is Going to be the Janitor?

We have started having young single adult/institute activities on the first and third Fridays of each month in the yard at our house. The first one was yesterday. We start at 5:30 pm and end at 8:00 pm.

Pretty Colorful for Brown Eggs!

We had dyed forty-four brown eggs (the only kind available in Botswana) using food coloring because Easter egg dyes are not available here. They ended up being very colorful. We had an Easter egg hunt before dark at the activity. They do not have Easter egg hunts in Botswana so this was new experience for the young single adults and they loved it! They also enjoyed eating the eggs - all of them.

There Must be an Egg Here Somewhere

We played table games, some of which were new to the young adults. We taught them how to play Mexi-train dominoes, Rummikub, and Janitor. They also played 30 Seconds and Uno. 30 Seconds and Janitor were the obvious favorites of the group. We will try to teach them a new game at each activity.

It was 70 Degrees F. but Some were Freezing

For refreshments we served two-layer bars, Rice Krispy Treats, and floats. We were supposed to have orange floats but the fellow who was supposed to bring the orange soda waited too long to buy it and the stores were closed for the Easter holiday. The Kimballs had some soda at home so we made do with what they had, raspberry, pineapple and caffeine free cola. We also had candy to eat while the games were being played.

30 Seconds Became Very Noisy Competition

We had forty-five attend which was very good. The bishop thought we would only get twenty to thirty because many people travel to the villages for the Easter holiday.

Everyone seemed to have a great time including Elder and Sister Rands. It was busy and noisy the whole time. Almost no one left before the eight o'clock end time. We are very excited about getting these going. The young single adults have been starved for activities and were anxious to get together.

1 comment:

  1. No doubt in this mind that the Lord knew exactly what He was doing when he sent you to Botswana. You're the perfect missionary couple to get these activities going!! Looks like everyone is having so much fun.
