Saturday, May 5, 2012

Stoplight Dance and Blue Cup

The Young Single Adult Ward had a stoplight dance. They were to wear green if they were available to date; red if they were taken, and yellow or amber if they were "complicated". We thought it was a clever approach for the dance.

It was scheduled to start at six o'clock but most people didn't come until about eight o'clock. It was a dinner dance but they did not serve the meal until ten o'clock. They served steak, bratwurst, a vegetable dish of baked beans, onions, green peppers, and carrots that was served with pap (a traditional food like mashed potatoes made from white ground corn). It was very tasty.

They requested that we teach a line dance so we taught them a version of "Cotton Eyed Joe". They caught on quickly and had a great time. Just about everyone was out doing the line dance and once was not enough.

They had a speed dating activity where the men and women sat on chairs in rows facing each other and had one minute getting to know the person opposite them before they rotated to the next person. They also had an activity where they wrote a compliment about the person next to them and then they passed the note to the next five people who added more compliments about the first person.

Though it was a dance there was not much dancing after the line dance. They did one traditional African dance where everyone is in a circle and one person at a time dances in the middle of the circle.

One of the church buildings in Gaborone does not have a drinking fountain and if you want a drink you get it from the kitchen using a blue cup which everyone shares. Interestingly, the second building in Gaborone does have a drinking fountain but almost everyone uses the drinking fountain to fill a similar blue cup instead of using the fountain directly.

1 comment:

  1. I love the shirt idea! So clever! The cup, however, is pretty gross. :) Great activity!
