Sunday, November 4, 2012

Botswana Gaborone Stake Organized

The first stake in Botswana was organized today. We felt blessed to be able to attend this historic milestone and it was a wonderful experience we will always remember. The members of the church in Botswana were so excited! They have been working for several years to be ready to have a stake organized in their own country. Many of the members from the villages road chartered busses to the conference. At the same time the stake was organized it was announced that the Lobatse, Mochudi, and Molepolole Branches will be made wards. It was just twenty years and six months ago the country of Botswana was dedicated for the preaching of the gospel by Richard G. Scott.

Elder Dale Renlund of the First Quorum of Seventy and Africa Southeast Area president and Elder Colin Bricknell our area Seventy came to organize the stake.

The new stake includes the Gaborone Broadhurst Ward, Gaborone West Ward, Gaborone West Young Single Adult Ward, Lobatse Ward, Mochudi Ward, Molepolole Ward, Kanye Branch, and Mafikeng Branch. the Mafikeng Branch is located two hours away just across the border in South Africa.

The new stake president is Clement Motswagothata. His counselors are Geoffrey Tembo and Shaka Mokweni. President Motswagothata is currently the bishop of the Young Single Adult Ward and will be greatly missed in that calling. We have really enjoyed working with him in the YSA Ward. All of these brothers are wonderful men and current or former bishops and will do an excellent job in the stake presidency.

On Friday night the members of the Broadhurst Ward and YSA Ward got together to clean the building and set up chairs in preparation for the stake conference. About eighty people came to help. They were in a very happy mood. We helped clean and made ninety-four cupcakes and punch for refreshments for the workers.

In anticipation of the first stake in Botswana being organized the Broadhurst Building was remodeled and extra rooms added that could be used for high council meetings and classrooms. After the construction the landscaping at the front of the building was replanted.

After the conference Elder and Sister Renlund, Elder Bricknell, and the senior missionary couples had lunch at the Kimball's home before the visiting authorities caught their flight back to Johannesburg. All of the senior couples contributed to the meal.

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