Monday, April 8, 2013

Couples Convention II

All the full-time coordinators and senior couples responsible for seminary and institute in the Africa Southeast Area met together with their spouses for a couples convention in Johannesburg on 11-12 April. There were about twenty full-time educators with their wives and seven senior couples. Several of the couples are nearing the end of their missions and will soon be returning home.

We arrived mid-way through the first day because we were taking Lisa and Heather to the airport to catch their flight home. We received instructions and had some fun together as a group that afternoon. The senior couples were in one of the working groups and we shared ideas and experiences with each other.  It was very enjoyable to have some time with the other couples who have assignments similar to ours. Talking with the other couples always makes us appreciate our assignment in Botswana. We had a group dinner in the evening.

The second day was focused on marriage relationships. Carl B. Cook of the area presidency and his wife team taught a lesson on keeping our marriages happy. After lunch and a group picture we all went to the temple. Those who were not from Johannesburg rode a bus. When we returned to the convention center we had a late supper.

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