Monday, May 7, 2012

Ladies With Things on Their Heads

Often we see African women carrying big things on their heads. They are amazingly adept at balancing large bulky objects on their heads while they walk. They rarely seem to have to adjust them to keep them balanced. We have never seen a man carrying anything on his head. 

We have had a hard time getting pictures of these women because we were almost always driving in a car when we saw them and were past them before we could take a picture. One evening we saw two huge bags of empty soda cans bouncing above our back wall. We grabbed our camera, raced out the front gate, and around the block to try and get a picture. After we hurried three blocks to get a picture of the two bags of cans balanced one on top of the other on her head and were just about ready to to take the picture, she stepped off the road, tipped her head, and dumped them in a field. A perfect photo missed! One day a whole group of women streamed by while we were getting gas so we took advantage of the situation and got some typical pictures.

The senior sisters serving in Gaborone decided to decorate their hats for the safari to Kruger Park. Here is the missionaries' version of things on their heads.

Sisters Kimball, Rands, Taylor, and Moss

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