Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Zone Conference

Each quarter a missionary zone conference is held in Gaborone. President and Sister Omer and the assistants to the president come from Johannesburg for the conference.  About fifty missionaries attend. The most recent one was held in May. The theme was "Fishers of Men". We enjoy attending these as they are spiritually uplifting and motivating.

It is also fun to get together with the other missionaries. The missionaries come in from the villages and even drive the five hours from Francistown for the conference so that all the missionaries in Botswana are together. The senior couples get together for dinner on the night before the conference. Often President and Sister Omer join us. This time they were hung up at the border and weren't able to make it. We went to a Chinese restaurant this time.

The lunch during the conference is prepared by the senior couples. Each of the couples is given an assignment for food. This time we had potato salad, fruit salad, tuna pasta salad, Greek chicken salad, rolls, punch, and banana and carrot cakes. Our assignment was the Greek chicken salad. Usually we have one of the Francistown couples stay a couple of nights with us when they come for the conference.

President Omer, Sister Riser, Elder Moss, Sister Moss, Sister Taylor

In the South Africa Johannesburg Mission there are eight young sisters serving - four in Francistown and four in Gaborone. All of them are in Botswana because it is not safe enough in South Africa. We are glad that we can have sisters serving in Botswana. Soon three sisters will be going home and there will only be five serving and the sisters will be taken out of Francistown.

Sister Blum, Sister Omer (President's wife), Sister Nalusiba, Sister Vermeulen,
 Sister Clendon, Sister Banda, Sister Callister, Sister Lovell, Sister Hadlock

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