Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We have experienced several thunderstorms since we have been in Botswana. If they occur in the evening, we have time, and are home, we sit on chairs on the front porch and enjoy the display. Neither one of us had seen a thunder and lightning storm as spectacular as the one we saw last night. We could see the rain coming before it got to our house. It was obvious we were going to get dumped on. When the rain came it just poured. It rained very hard for forty-five minutes and then continued to rain for at least three hours more. Because of the clouds and the rain we could only occasionally see lightning but we saw the sky light up many more times. We had continual thunder accompanying the visual display. Those lightning bolts we could see were spectacular because they were so close and the thunder that went with them equally impressive. We knew the thunder was coming very quickly after seeing the lightning. It would crack and then roll on for several seconds. It was a great display of God's power.

The water just gushed from the house downspouts.

The rain flooded our backyard and streamed though our new grass an inch deep. Today there was dirt and sand on many of the streets and some roundabouts were still flooded this afternoon. We received about an inch and a half of rain.

After the rain eased a bit the termites came out in force. The next morning we had termite wings all over the cement patio blocks under our side yard light. We thought we had been smart and by not turning on the front porch light so it would not attract termites. Unfortunately, the breeze today just blew termite wings onto the front porch anyway.

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