Thursday, December 15, 2011

Trip to the Border

The car we have been temporarily using is registered in South Africa and can only remain in Botswana for thirty days without incuring fines, so we took it for a drive across the border into South Africa about an hour away. We then just turned around and came back paying the road fee and insurance fee as we re-entered Botswana so that the car is good for another thirty days. We should soon be getting a car registered in Botswana so that we don't have to do that again.
We made the boarder crossing at Lobatse because we had an interview scheduled with a young adult living there for the Perpetual Education Fund. We had decided to have the interview there so the candidate would not have to make a special trip to Gaborone. When he did not show up at the appointed time and place we called him to find out that he had decided to come to Gaborone anyway to go shopping with friends. He did not call us so we drove down and back one hour each way and then interviewed him at our house when we returned. We even had to wait for him for that interview.

Elders Chelelmet, Mombashora, Richeson, and Naku

We had the elders to dinner who all live in the same apartment in Gaborone. Elder Mombashora was a few days away from returning home to Zimbabwe at the end of his mission .

Termites Galore!

We went for a walk one evening because it was cool and there was a beautiful sunset. After it got dark the termites came out to mate. There were termites everywhere in the air. When cars would pass you could see a "blizzard" of termites in the car headlights. We took this picture of the termites flying in front of our gate. The next morning there were termite wings all over the ground where the termites had clipped them off to start tooking for a home. We had to quickly enter our house to keep from letting in a lot of termites. It was an interesting experience.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, and am "proud" to say, we Africans have no sense of tme keeping. We think the world will wait for us. Learned a lesson when i came to America!!
    I think the termites you are talking about are the edible ones, yes i said edible:) they are delicious.
    We miss you but we hope you are having a great time.
